my later dinner last night.
a terribly late dinner, late enough to be supper, brings to mind several things.
like how a piece of tough meat is good to go down my oesophagus, when it's normally barred till my jaws whine.
almost like when you're down in the dumps, and a hold of even a strange hand tastes like chocolate with raisins.
my late dinner also brought to mind how cold & light & flat (!) my stomach feels, but, then, my stomach had time-travelled to back when ladies liked having a prosperous body.
almost like how you love your best friend to bits, but its not her call you're hoping for.
it even brought to mind how i'm not doing well in school, how i've faltered from last sem, how i seem to be on a treadmill while others are on a running track. and during my hour long bath, that thought slowly evolved to this:
that i'm getting bags of bunches of bitching bastards of bewildering 'B's.
BAMM. tat sounds nice! xD