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Sunday, July 31, 2005 1:31 PM

smiled myself silly today.

trouble and confusion never felt so good. x)

my defunct ...
Saturday, July 30, 2005 10:08 PM

woke up early having dreamt of white figures floating about in this dark room (yeah. to my horror, i was actually in the damn room.) i think fatal frame's imprinted smack in the middle of my subconscience. **strongly hopes i wont dream of fatal frame again. T_T i wanna haf a good sleep tonite!!!**

then had a sandwich of kaya and peanut butter with grape stripes. tastes good actually. though i haf to agree it sounds a little..yucky. but this sandwich shldnt be tried by those who don haf a sweet tooth. (..or was it becos i put an excess of kaya so tat it dripped off the sides...and becos i scooped up a lot of the grape stripe area and less peanut butter tats y the sandwich was overly sweet??)...wadeva.its probably just waiting in my rectum to get shitted out by now. a lot of it's probably stored in the spare tyres round my waist too. T_T gosh. i do feel fat. very.

i shant bore u ppl with my fats.
F5: Fascinating Fats For Future Freaks.
oh yeah. tat shall be the name of my best selling book in the near future.

gee. i'm being corny even in my own blog.

aft a spaghetti lunch went off to clementi for the ctss carnival. not tat i'm interested in the carnival, really. its more like i miss the ppl :) i miss you, my dears~!!! MUUUUUAAAAHHHX ~!! :) haha. the atmosphere's just diff around them. so...lame so corny so luffable so comfortable so light so happy so talkative so me. :) yeah, i even miss the buildings tat seem to be fallin apart. miss my old classmates, miss the paper-ball throwing days, miss the aft lesson tutorial sessions, miss the teachers, miss studying my sciences (i gotta be sick.), miss the classroom kinda thing, miss having some fixed partner to sit by you, miss those days miss those days miss those days.

had some icecream (no normal icecream tastes good anymore now tat i've been eating so much haagen dazs), a slice of canadian pizza, purple candy floss, milo dino (milo with lots of whipped crm and milo powder plonked on top of it), then went with the whole bunch to cine to eat pasta. (wad did i tell u?? i AM GETTING FAT.)

talked a lot :) and took neoprints, then headed home early. poor jc ppl haf so much tutorials to do. **pats head** in e mrt, they (kaili, kailiang, hz, ry, you shun...the rest happily went off to lan) started talking about their studies and i suddenly felt tat hey.i seem kinda intellectually defunct. o_o.

i hardly feel i'm using my brains, unless you count looking at price tags on clothes and mentally minusing of the discount. =_= goodness. i really hope the science portion of my brain is not defunct. don let it be!!! nooooo~ i still like them very much even though i'm no longer studying my sciences. (this is wad fats do to u. they make u think sick.)

anyway, hope my darlings are alright. poor dear hz is gettin migraines from stress :( and kaili is all fed up with her results. meiyin...don seem to care much as usual, qy seems fine, aud's in poly so i guess the stress lvl's low...sigh. and here's clara not using her brains.

**shakes my head** hmm. seems rather airy to me.

Friday, July 29, 2005 7:25 PM

went to fiona's house today.
...and had tat chunky soup xD !! yummylicious~!!! damn. it was good. =S but it does leave me here wondering if i'm putting on pounds of weighin machine has got to be a liar, cos i'm feelin it, and still it aint tellin me the truth!!

anyway..on to more horrid stuff.i played fatal frame II today. O_o i was so damn scared. (...=_= yeah. mock me.wadeva. i haf a weak heart ok.) and wth. fiona was so damn passive.

"oh. there's a ghost behind the door."
and she comments as though she's just talking about the weather..=_=. ooooohhh. my poor heart was frightened stiff. i'll nv play tat again. and i don like the vibrating thingy in the controller. it just makes me more frightened than i alreadi am.T_T. goodness. to think she played it at nite. and tat freaky twin sis of the main kter! aaaahhh o_o . kept calling her ...


T_T stop it will ya. u're scaring me to bits. then there was once she even shouted "wait!" when aman was holdin the controller. T_T. i tink my heart stopped beating for a while. creeeeeeeeeppppy.

i better sleep early tonite. *gulps.* o_o

i love grandpas.
Thursday, July 28, 2005 9:30 PM


i cried.
over a harry potter book. T_T so silly.
BUT STILL!! argh. did jk rowling haf to write the story that way?? i am so upset at her. how could she??!! :( sigh. now my heart has cracked.

"I am not worried, Harry," said Dumbledore, his voice a little stronger despite the freezing water. "I am with you."

i loved tat line. :( its just so. so. so...
sigh. was it the impression of my grandpa's funeral that made me cry?...i wonder. really does remind me a lot of it. anyway. i'd say the first half of the book wasn't really exciting. kinda boring really =_= keep talking about hermione and ron and their stupid cold war. argh. where's the action? sigh. its such a sad ending. didnt even end properly, with the usual ending of them going back home in the train. and i don like the strong hints that harry will be goin solo. don like him much. i prefer ron, though i detest the Lavender n Ron portions =_=.

i only love the book for the last few chapters. ARGH. its so sad. why cant she stop introducing new characters that just aren't likable and keep the old ones we love instead?? :(

...back in the muggle world, clara has tons of assgs that she hasn't touched, is too lazy to, and will soon squash her flat. ...i'll be goin over to fiona's hse tml (yeps. monday appntment postponed to tml) so hopefully one assg can be half-done by sunset tml. sigh. come to tink of it, i really wanna go to tat talk at NAFA..the talk's given by some guy who made the gorgeous animation for the Last Exile and Final Fantasy. but. :( as usual, we tot of it too late. gotta pay $10 for the talk n gotta submit the registraion form by fri. as in, tml. hmm...if he'd just impart a quarter of his talent to me...*_*

am i fickle?

fleas in honey.
Wednesday, July 27, 2005 6:40 PM

woots woots woots ~!!! xD i'm the most blessed little girl alive!!!
i went to the zoo yesterday!!! :) mmhm! me n dmd0502 (=_= or the usual ones, anyway..grr. to think we purposely made our outing to a place where no one wld object but the rest of the not-usual still didnt come *F3*-face) went to visit the fleas x)) muahaha. okok..inside jokes...sorry if some ppl don understand.
aaaaahhh!!! the trip was so damn fun. lol. i tink e part which really made us luff till our stomachs hurt was when we go seperated into small lil grps near the otter enclosure. haha. then zach was trying to find the rest, and suddenly he heard someone call him. "zaaaaaaaaaaaacccccccchhh!"
"where are you all?"
so he walked towards the fence where the sound came from, and to his utmost shock, it wasnt us who were calling him. it was a sheep. it really went "zzzaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaccchhhh." like real loud. LOL. haha. from then on all of us called him zaaaaaacccchhh the sheepy way. :p.

the animals were gorgeous. God is awesome, dont u think :) ? whoa. u ppl shld see the white tigers. HUMUNGOUS. they'd probably kill me just by sitting on me. slapping me with their giant paws wld be sufficient too. o_o they were really magnificent.

omg. and the crocodiles were damn freaky. they were like DINOSAURS. *_* it was damn scary to see them so big. T_T i can like, fit into its stomach so easily...eee.

then there were the baboons. wahaha. their butts were so damn red it was almost neon. then a sign board by its enclosure wrote that a red ass either means "i am boss" or "let's mate". so i guess the really big hairy baboon who sat with his close-to-neon-butt facing us must be a real horny fella.

...then there were the butterflies~!!!!!! woohoo! so pretty!...we went into the fragile forest, and a butterfly stood on my cap and refused to leave!! lol ! it was so pretty. it had almost lumnious violet spots on its wings and it readily posed on aman's, jayson's and my cap for us to snap pics. haha. ....and(!) the lemurs there were soooo tame!!! they didnt mind us touching them, and were just so damn close to us xD. wahaha. i touched this really smelly but gigantic horse too. x))

but i'd still say i was the most amazed at the seals. they were so smart and cheeky! xD whoa. the way they swim really makes ur jaw drop. just a swipe of their flippers and they are at the other end of the pool. amazing. and they were so cute la~!!! xD i'm so jealous of that little boy and ang moh teen who got kisses from the darling of a seal. x))

tat has gotta be my best trip to the zoo. haha. havent been there in a looooong loooooooooong time x)) thank you, God! i had so much fun.

aft the zoo, we went for steamboat xD !! (in case u're wondering, yeah. i'm so damn broke...esp since its the end of the month. **sob** T.T) haha. the best part of the steamboat was the soup competition! haha. it was the guys versus the girls. and to be brutally honest, the guys' soup suck. =_= i mean, wad do u expect a soup containing melted platic and lotsa carbon from burnt food taste like? bleah. it was cancerous just by the taste of it, i tell u. haha. the girls' soup was...betta.
hahaha. it was kinda overly saltish. =x due to the addition of too much salted vege. (**ferdy comes to mind when vege is mentioned. lol.**) so to kill the saltishness we added so much red dates that it covered the entire surface of the soup. so we all tot tat the girls will nosebleed from the overdose of herbs, and the guys will die of eating too much plastic and carbon. although i do feel kinda guilty wastin the food..........but....x)) i cant deny it was awesome fun. luffing all the way.
we cldnt finish the food in the end, so we dumped everything in the 2 pots of already mortally dangerous soups. in e end our soup ended up tasting like maggi curry, and the guys' soup looked so dangerous onli superhero-hmwk boy dared take the first try. T_T...dangerous stuff.

aft the long day ytd, i duno where i found the energy from, but i chatted with sq till 2+. ...old friends. :) nice.
today, went back to haagen dazs holland v to sign my resignation letter. than got a treat from mike. xD OMG.the creation chocolate decadance is awesome. there was so much choco chips in it and tons of hot fudge, cos the ice cream was meant for a photo shoot, so ingredients galore. xD **drool falls likea waterfall** thank you, mike !!!! x))
brings back lotsa memories, hollnad v. :)i cant blive i actually miss workin at haagen dazs. :) memories. :)
gotta thank mr knight too. ;) thanks for goin with me to orchard to return uni. aint it convenient our hols clash? muahaha.
aft orchard went back to nyp to pei aman take back her thumbdrive, then at the same time, meant to do our color theory assg. :( but sad. they were rewiring the mac lab. the box assg results arent out too ;( so not much done..

THEN. i'm feeling a little confused again. CONFUSION. wads with mr.blueb again?? **yawns** sleepy day.

MY kakashi xD ~~ squeel~~ !
Sunday, July 24, 2005 8:08 PM

i cant wait for the next big cosplay event at expo at the end of the year. i so hope this kakashi will be there...xD as kakashi of course. OOOOO. he's so cute xD. MUAHX. kakashhiiiiiiiiii !!!! he's mine, i tell u. mine. xD. muahx. so handsome. wahaha. so kakashi. i wanna take a pic with him!! KAKAAAASSHIIIIII. xD ..**daydreams .**

sigh. its true wad me n shereen were tokin bout some time ago. all the tall handsome nice guys are gay. hopefully there's still one for shereen n one for me. haha. wonder if she'd prefer this kakashi or the 18th floor guy? xP.

ok. information overload for u ppl. wahaha. (whispers: kakashiiii !!!)

my sundays.
4:06 PM

In Christ alone I place my trust
And find my glory in the power of the cross
In every victory let it be said of me
My source of strength,
my source of hope is Christ alone

lalala~ !! clara's been a goooooood girl today. i onli slept 3+ hours, so when i got up i was all cranky...BUT. i didnt lose my temper..didnt say anything sacarstic to my sis, didnt argue back when my dad nagged...**pats my own head** mmm~! clara's a good girl. :p bhb..but its ok. it is MY blog...

o no...i realise i'm feeling a little wee bit funny around ahem who _ _ _ _med of me. o_o..oooo noooo. stupid. **knocks his head** why why why. all ur fault. we cld haf been such a happy u've made it a little awkward. its ok. clara is a good actress. **acts blur** don rmb nthin. nthin nthin nthin.

sigh. to add to the troubles, butterflies are back. =_=. toots. why do they always come and go. can't they just stay put or go for good? can't help brooding ...or do u call this daydreaming (?) about it....zzz. =_=. sigh.

i'm an archer, dude xD !!!
Saturday, July 23, 2005 10:45 PM

woots ~!! xD i went for archery today!!! super fun~!! muahahaha! clara feels so accomplished now. xp i'm no longer cca-less.
i'm an archer, dude xD !
and yay~~ =3 i hit a balloon during e friendly competition!! x)) muahaha. wonder wad tat zhong da guy is gonna give us for gettin the balloons. =x be was purely God's help. wahaha. this is a rather inconsistent marksman typing here. one min its the yellow, the other min its the black =x....

mmm..i feel ike such a piggy today. once i reached home, which was about 4 already, i immediately gobbled up the plate of cold (bleah..didnt taste good at all) spaghetti plus 3 biscuits and then had my mp3 player sing me to sleep. (o_o still cant believe i survived till 4 without a sngle lump of food in my poor stomach. x) my gluttony level is dropping! muahahaha! ) when i finally woke up, it was 8 already =x...then i ate my dinner. so i'm literally just eating and sleeping...*yawn*. o_o hmm. y am i yawning??? i tink its more of boredom then work work. gonna do more scrapbook later so i don haf to worry bout it at the end of hols.

sigh. i want it i want it i want it...kokoro kujikete mo. yes, chigau..sekai ga atte. sigh. i want it.Motto touku made isshoni yuketara nee...Ureshikute sore dakede.

here's a little part of Fairy Tales and Castles by Lifehouse ...very subtle but meaningful:

he says his head is filled with cartoons and fairy tales
and he's trapped inside a dungeon of dolls with smiles on their faces
he's built a pretty cage
his show's on a beautiful stage
with candy coated prison bars
and chains that look like jewelry

cause there's a crack in his plastic crown
and his throne of ice is melting
he climbed his ladder there was nothing there
now it's a long way down

Friday, July 22, 2005 9:35 PM

xD aaaaaahhhh~~~~!!!!!
i cant believe it! the holidays are here at loooooooong last!! (=_= one week onli la...but betta than nthin ya.) sigh. its onli been wad? 8 weeks of sch and i feel as if its been months. o weelll....

xD at least i got my A's~!!!!! muahahahaha. sooooo haaaapppy~!!!! finally. sumthin to make up for the unhappiness i've been tryin to cover up over my flop in the recent colour theory assg. ARGH. just cant seem to get the picture to work. thank god they've extended the dateline to week 2 more weeks to do it~!!! jia you, clara~!!!

yum yum. back to my yummilicious A's. God was there doing it for me. i just know it. :) thank you, Lord, for helping me~!!! yayee~~!! A for colour theory, understanding media, design fund.,...................=_= and a damned B for comm skills. will get the result for the box assg during the hols (creative process)....and i'm not sure bout drawing...**clasps hands and prays real hard for an A~!!!!** not v possible, though. considering jimmy kang is strict, and my drawin of buildings is shit. **clara hopes hopes hopes hopes hopes...**....AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA'S ~!!!! how i love them =3 ..~

can't believe my fotos got an A. haha. papa will be happy someone got his photography genes. mmm...but ms gail saw thru the las min cutting of e black board....xP...those jagged edges.

tml goin for archery!!! tat'll be cool ^_^ **tinkin real hard for a cool arrow-shooting heroine**..............:S...erm. nthin comin to mind at the moment.
sunday...i haf nthin planned yet...thinkin of watchin tat anime samuel lent me. (o_o there's this girl with real big boobs at the front cover. but...there are lots of swords and guys cant be tat bad)...
monday....xD yiipee~ goin fiona's hse to bake cookies, watch more anime n sappy movies (its a 'sisters' and 'cousins' meeting see. haha ;P), and play her tons of games~~!!! xP i'm gonna play play play play play.
tues..goin to the ZOOOOOOOO. muahahha~! feel like eatin ben n jerry's so much now...aft the zoo goin to eat zheng fa huo hai xian~~!! **stomach growls** :) this is one fun class! onli sad thing is tat they ostrasize 'hamtaro..'...anyway. ^_^ should be tons of fun considering we're much closer than before.
wed....i tink i mite go back to see ms gail bout assg 2. sigh. gotta change object and do the sketches fast. :S duno when its due.

sob. i don wanna think bout it, but there are actually tons of assgs due aft hols. mmm..lemme list.
1.prepare for formal presentation (comm skills)...due week 12
2. colour theory assg 2...due week 10
3. design fund. assg 2...due week...??
4. creative process assg 2 (do advert)...due week..??
5. understanding media movie proj...due..:S

o no.....the onli module tat don haf hmwk is drawing. but. sob. sob. sob. those 5 biggy assgs are enuff to crush me to dust. sigh. i wanna plaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy. i shall ignore ms conscience. xD playplayplayplayplayplayplayplayplayplay i will. clara deserves a rest~

my brother - the biggest jerk in the world.
Wednesday, July 20, 2005 9:09 PM

he's an asshole. ARGH. to think i still said 'my brother's quite nice' to yee hoong just now. i take that back man.i take that back. i'd have hit him if i could. if that was right. argh. if only i could. i'd feel sooo soooo sooo much bettter. then again, i'd dirty my hands.

he's such a jerk.
i was eating my dinner and reading the papers (at 8.45 ok!! i was so freakin hungry) then he asked me to help him send a song from our comp to my cousin. i said i don haf my cousin's email. he replied that he does.

'can't you send it urself??'

' i don noe how to.'

fine. i shut up. so when i'm done eating at 9 i tell him that i wanna use the comp cos i see his msn still on.then he shouts at ME.


f***. i'm helping you, asshole. so i replied, ' can't you ask properly??!! '

'wad do u wan me to say?!!! can you pls help me send the song ah???'


then his shouting fits continue. he says i'm not helping him, i'm helping my cousin. (me thinks: SO? NO REASON TO SHOUT AT ME.TOOOT.) and then he blames me for just sitting there and readin the papers when i shld be sending the song. asshole. its my stomach. i told him he didnt ask me to send it NOW, then he went 'BUT U WERE JUST SITTIN THERE READING OK.'

f*** u man. wads rong with reading. u're the idiot who didnt tell me my cousin wants the song urgently.

definitely smarter than you, thank you very much.
....i didnt say that to him. wish i did. may someone tell you about your horrible manners and stamp down ur darn ego very soon.

if i could. if i could.
i'd kick ur rude butt out of my room. i'd hang up on all of ur frens. keep all the food so that you'll stop eating everything up.get a laptop so i'll nv haf to share a comp with u. punch ur face. kick you OUT OUT OUT of my room. punch you again.

argh. cant blive he shouted at me just like that. will my sis hurry and get married (not v possible, though.) so i cant kick my bro out, shift the comp to my room and lock the door forever.

i'm sorry, but brothers who are nice only when they want things from me will be dealt with severely if caught trespassing.

and you just trespassed my limit for ur arrogance,asshole.

my ambition: my bit of sky.
Monday, July 18, 2005 9:20 PM

^_^ i love this song.

曲/詞: 周杰倫
Music/Lyrics: Jay Chou

Should I shed my heavy shell

To find just where there is blue sky

Following the light breeze, swaying gently

You become still as if afraid to unwind


I must crawl up step by step

And wait for the sun to quietly survey its face

The small sky has a big dream

The heavy shell carries with it a gentle forward gaze

I must crawl up step by step

And at the highest point, endure the darkness and ahead I fly

Let the wind blow dry the tears that have been shed

One day I will have my own sky

wow. o_o.
Saturday, July 16, 2005 9:26 PM

o wow o wow o WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
xD aaaaaaahhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm so super duper haaaaapppy!!! i saw fireworks!!!! really awesome ones too~!!!! aaaaaahhhh xD !!!!!!!!!!!!! they were so pretty!!! i just love the golden ones. they fall just like rain, but look just like diamonds. aaaaaahhhhh xD ~ !!!!!! they remind me of when i went to the ndp preview during sec. 3. omg. i was so mesmerised by the fireworks. o_o and i'm in love once again!! ^_^ ooooo!!!! i'm so lucky~~~~
i was just in my dad's car...we were driving home aft church and dinner...along the ecp...then POOOOF. they exploded in our faces, i fell in love with the darling golden rain. omg. it was so prettttyyyyy~!!!!!!!!!!!!! xD ahhhhh aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh xD aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh xD !!!!

i must go watch the fireworks on national day. its a MUST. I MUST I MUST I MUST. xD aaaaaahhhh!!!!! sooooo preeettttyyy!!!!! so HUGE!!! spectacularly breath taking awesome fabulous grand magnificent fireworks.

i'm sooo haaaapppppy xD

my golden rain.

just like me.
Monday, July 11, 2005 9:05 PM

o my. i'm sooo sooooo soooooooooooo sooooooooooooooooooooooo ssssssssssssssssssssssoooooooooooooooooooooo TERRIBLY BORED. someone save me!!! ( =_= o shaddup, conscience. stop nagging about hmwk ). cant believe i'm feelin so sleepy onli 9!!! argh. must haf been the conversation with sq last nite...lasted till almost 2. (i tink...) YAWN. but who sleeps at 9??? noooobody. yawn. i cant find my stupid comm skills book...don haf the book how to do cms =_= ? tink i'll go find it tml....cant see much in the dark. ( yeah, qy. the lite bulb in my room is gone...must have been ur negative aura =_=...u killed my lite bulb.)..hmm. today amanda helped me cut out a comic strip. then she commented, "you're the queen of last-min hmwk." . weelll. wad haf i to say? my conscience just don scream loud enuff.

aaaaaaahhhhh. no one gonna come save me?? *sigh**....
there's onli van houten choco with raisins to accompany me then...sq's at work now...gambatte, mr knight !!! why why why...this is such a boring day.

mmm ^_^. it was much better ytd. qy came over and i got to read the latest naruto boook~!!! although she did poison my poor little lite bulb, but i still really liked it that she came over. she hasn't come over in ages!!! i tink its onli when u start tokin n seeing the person then u start to realise how much u really miss them. ooo. n i was so surprised my dad rmbed her name. we (my daddy n i) used to refer to qy as "the girl who lives at toh guan"...cos my dad always used to fetch her home aft campfires...mei yin wld be refered to as "niece"..cos she really looks quite like my cousin. sq is "the guy who came to use the comp"..hz is "my v. smart classmate"..aud is "the tanjong pagar girl" dad just can't seem to rmb names well. (=_= u see, wei hun. its not my fault i kept forgetting ur name. its the genes, i tell u.)

i realise i'm quite. no. i'm very broke. must be watchin too many movies nowadays. *sigh** ...where are you, comm skills boook????? WHERE??? i feel like bein a good girl rite now..wanna do my work. u just refuse me. ohhhh....i noe i'm always vandalising on ur clean white pages...but who can help it when u're such a bore?? are you angry now, mr. comm skills book? goodie. come out n punch me. don hide like a wuss.

**SIGH. i guess you're both a bore and a wuss. just like me...just like me.

the bearer of good news :)
Sunday, July 10, 2005 1:38 PM

the day started off really bad. quarreled with my dad about the camera just as we were reachin church =_=....silly topic to quarrel about. so upset n angry...i was wondering how i could possibly worship god like that...with all that pent up anger. so upset i wanted to cry. it was the song too,i tink. the first song we were singing was about jesus being our friend. i was...ya.also upset at myself for treating my daddy so badly when god gave me such a great family that dotes on me ... and i'm still so rude ... so i went to the toilet. not to pee. just needed to cry. god was rite beside me. he wasn't scolding or blaming me. he was comforting me.i asked him to help me forgive, not be so angry...and yups. sounds stupid, but i just sat on the toilet bowl and cried. he was there all along, rite beside me.

and aft comin out of the toilet, i just let it go. i mean, it almost seemed like nthing even happened.i no longer felt angry at my dad, didn't judge him what i'd like to share with everyone else is that god heals and can make anything happen. aft service, my dad seemed to forget about our quarrel too (o_o we were really really quarreling rather shouting in the car ) and i cant think of any other reason except love~! and if our daddy on earth can love us so and give us his hard-earned money so freely, surely our papa in heaven would give us so much more. ps khong preached today: stop playing the game of shame and blame. he talked about how jesus died so shamefully on the cross so as to show us that the shame is his - no longer ours. ( if you don't understand why it's shameful, think about being stripped naked, whipped at, spat at, mocked at by ppl you don even noe, and then hung, or rather, nailed, for thousands to see on a cross.) he took our shame, our worries (think mei yin who hardly worries)....everything bad, he took!

there are tons of facts to prove that jesus was once alive and died on the cross, but do facts really convince ppl? it's what we blive in that convinces us...:) and i blive in jesus!

and i really hope to see all of you in heaven with me :)

just believe in him. :)

the sweetest thing.
Saturday, July 09, 2005 10:03 PM

i just read sab.t 's blog. it really.
how should i phrase this? really made me wonder, and made me envious of her too. she broke up with her boyfren. right. tat's not wad i'm envious about, ok! i ...i duno. i so wanna comfort her. let her know that hey. at least she has such wonderful memories to hold on to. really admire such people. they have so much courage to love and commit. hold on, sab! i'm sure ur letter will touch his heart. she said on her blog tat she begged him shamelessly. i was o_o. sab??? begging??? funny thing, love. makes you do all sorts of nonsense.

i wonder when i'll be able to do that too? =_= and NO, ok. i'm NOT a despo. i was just wondering...ooooohh. such courage. i'd love to think clara is a brave little girl. but..yeah. not when it comes to that kinda thing. my sis is brave...tats for sure.

sabrina (tan) !!!! ganbatte! don't cry anymore. ...really admire these people...if she's so upset now, this must mean that she had really really happy times before. what makes and what breaks? could the maker please, hurry. people are waiting.

the sweetest thing.

so am i.
feel so sad just reading it. it's not the sab i know!!! what has it done?? exactly what? why does it choose some and not others?..that's the most important part, isn't it? the making. who cares about the breaking. as long as it was once made. makes me so envious and sad at the same time.

make me. make me.

the sweetest thing.
the sweetest thing.

the sweetest thing.

F*** SBS.
4:17 PM

[ sidenote: ooo! i cant get enough of blogging. its to clear all your tots and just rant on and on without the pain of ur fingers forcing you to stop - (like when i used to keep diaries....=_= o man. my hand just cant keep up with my had to summarise everything. i don like summarising...details, man, details~!!! ....heh heh. ya. i suppose tats y my entries are super duper long) - or ur ugly handwriting causing you to go 'ewww' and giving you this really strong urge to just tear off the paper with the ugly scribbles....xD ah! tats y i'm loving my blog...although i'd say it was my frens who got me into this....but ^_^ i'm really startin to like it now.
ok. i'll stop ranting. ]

first of all.....F*** sbs. i hope some rival company with better service, better quality buses will come by and stamp u to below ground level. i'll be the first to point fingers at u and luff. HA. squash you and your lousy f***ing service. today the freaking 197 just zoomed off although there were so many ppl waitin for it at the bus stop. FREAK YOU, SBS. the damn bus was so empty and the bus driver was such an asshole. i mean, come on!!! u're obviously turning the corner and there's a bus at the bus stop already blockin your view, so how cld u just zoom off like tat without making sure if there are ppl waiting for u and your f***ing bus??? huh????!!!! freak you. ARGHHHHHHHHH. now i'm rotting at home and goin to church onli tml, cos if i were to wait for another of sbs' freaking 197 i'd be terribly late. those idiots. ARRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm so freakin pissed.

i feel like an architect.
Friday, July 08, 2005 6:45 PM

drew buildings again today. three point perspective is reallly hard =_=.......BUT. x)) managed to do it. thank god! much to my glee, jimmy kang scrawled a blue 'seen' on the paper and viola~! the tension is gone.
zzzz. colour theory was a boring lesson today. the teachers showed us some colour caliberator (howeva u spell tat) which cost easily over a thousand. o man. i'm not gonna touch tat. i cant afford to pay if i were to make it spoilt...

note to mr.p : if you want me to stay, i will stay rite through.

drawing and hate.
Thursday, July 07, 2005 9:24 PM

jimmy kang and his lesson can both make me feel really happy and really sad. today....i'd say i'm pretty happy ^_^. he had us draw 5 thumbnails of buildings (not any building...we got block b,c,d)...and! he didnt reject my thumbnails of the buildings!!! (i don even think they can be considered thumbnails~!! he made us draw them so big) haha XD. so whew. although i didnt manage to draw all 5..(T_Tsob. haf to go to sch early tml to draw)...but at least 3 of them is done :) ! ...o_o can u imagine! on average the whole class took almost 3 hrs for 3 thumbnails when he asked us to use only 15-20 min on one. the difference o_o...o well.

oo ya. =_= some ppl can be really irritating. i was tryin so hard to draw that corridor...
then this guy came up and said "you're drawing good,man, you're drawin good!"
...then his friend went, "you didnt even look at her drawing! "
" i looked at the freaking drawing! "

....and they just stood there talking so loudly in front of me. i was like. ER.ER.ER.ER.ER. i was already so fed up with the freakin perspective, so unglam with my hair all over, perspiring, and lookin stupid with this big brown board and paper on my lap sitting on the floor at the side of a people-filled corridor and they had to irritate me more. finally they stopped and just as he walked past me again, he had to act cool.. again.
"you're drawing good, man, you're drawing good." ...all complete with the thumbs-up sign. and as he proceeded down the corridor...i heard him say it to cheryl and jayson. o a funny guy.

^_^ ooo. there was this girl..who walked pass me and fiona as we were drawin part of block...d i tink..then she did a double take on us and went "omg! they draw damn nice!"
now tats wad i call a nice comment xP....wahaha. okok. =_= i'm so full of myself. i'll shut up for now. sorry to hurt ur brains.

11:12 AM

oops oops~
haven been updating this...wahaha. no time, see =x

...monday was alrite..(i pretty much forgot wad happend =x ) ...just know that the teacher didnt seem to enjoy our angelina jolie presentation much :(...sad. i tot it was quite pretty, really...i mean. its true!! all the pics of her in there were so hot...we had so much visuals of her...just no audio...(its ok, amanda dear!! not ur fault..we just nv knew powerpnt cld be so troublesome =...= )

..tuesday ah. um. just the boring comm skills...O YA. xD then aft the lesson me jayson daniel had cheryl bring us to the photoprint shop at amk to do last min printing of our black n white fotos..(it was due the nx day, wed)..whew. thank god for express printin, man. but....sob!!! T_T one foto cost me $1.10 !!!!! argh~!!!!! stupid. just cos i wanted white borders and express printin....sob. o well. went home aft tat and had a terrible time cutting the freakin hard black board =...= goodness. i'm such a failure. i made very horrid, jagged mistakes cutting the first nvm. cut the other side of the board rite? BUT. T_T SOB. who was to know i cld be so dumb. i cut it rongly AGAIN~!!! just that this time it was not jagged. it was like, 5 CM SHORT....and i had no more board left to cut. i was like, totally freaking out...wads more, stupid me tried to fix a spare blade onto my penknife and ended up dismentling the whole thing so it became unusable. (^^ o....i didnt know how to fix it back to proper workin order...)
BUT!!! zach and amanda came to the rescue~!!! xD oh, thank god for my dear friends!! i asked amanda to call me and she helped me ask zach if he had spare boards, cos she didnt...WHEW. he did...x)))) oooohhh! i'm so grateful to u two!!! THANK YOU, AMANDA, THANK YOU, ZACH ! wednesday started off really hectic, with zach waking up late then running all the way from the mrt station to nyp (=x i'm realli thankful for u, hmwk boy!!), just to pass me the board...and me tensely cuttin my board at the mac canteen and scarring about the whole table (=x i'm sorry, mr table!)...amanda dear helped me of cos ^_^ ! kept askin me to calm down...helped me peel double sided tape...haha.
thank you, God!! wahaha. never cut the board so swiftly and straight before...:) you must have been there with me~! :)
hmmo. thn went to class and presented our fotos. (xD ms gail said 'excellent!'...haha. at first i tot i was dreamin, till fiona told me tat was wad ms gail said ) ...ahhhh......satisfying to know the teacher likes ur work x)) i'm onli worried about my thumbnails....

aft lessons met clarence at the mrt station n went for lunch. (yuuummmy! pasta mania's beef bolognese is good!) then went to woodlands to catch sneaks of fantastic 4~ (xD oooo! that torch guy is soooo cute xD !). o ya! clarence helped me fix my penknife too! :) thank you, thank you~

okie dokie. had betta stop riting. gonna be late for YAC meetin. wahaha.

i want more more more........of jesus x) !!!
Sunday, July 03, 2005 5:54 PM

pah. changing my font colour cos someone's complainin....(:p is this better, qiu yi dear? at least you see blue dots now, not red..wahaha)...ahhh~!! i miss the suntec gang sooo! hope hz dear is not stressing herself out too much, hope qy darling doesnt become too black and skinny =x (i hereby promise to buy u the spf 130 sunblock lotion on xmas!!! x) !...better buy you fattening food too ), hope audrey dear is not as fustrated as she was, hope meiyin darling is studying hard and sleeping enough, hope kaili dear is not too jealous bout anne suzuki holding jay chou's hands...........

today was rather the morning, that is. went to church, and had a combined service at s'pore expo hall 3...whoa. when i stepped into the entrance of expo, that really....almost surreal feel of Baka Matsuri 2004 - (cosplay event i went with kl, my n xm...OMG. xD i'm still highly infatuated with the kakashi i saw then xD ahhhhhhh~!!!!!!!! so tall!!! so kakashi. xD wahahahaha!!!! xD kakaaaaashiiiiii !!! ) - came back to me!!! now i SO WANNA cosplay. haha. i wanna set up a booth there and sell our stuff!...hmmo. better start askin class now :)...we're gonna go as a class and have awesome fun!! all of us are capable of doing works that sell too, i'm v sure ^_^ woohoo~! all you designers out there, watch out for us ~ :)

righto. back to church. xD had good fun there too! all the youths were in red so there was this whole patch of red in the hall..wahaha. so good to be part of it. youths (n whoever feels young at heart too x) ) got invited upfront to jump n to the front we went~!!! ( sadly :( sab wasnt there, and didnt get to see jenna samuela n gang till worship was over )... :) fab. jumping songs we sang today x) haha. had one way ( our fav, m.y ! ) and more more more...whoa. jumpin n punchin my arm in the air and singing at the same time in a place all packed with other jumpin people made my leg muscles whine and made my singing abit...wobbly. ok. very wobbly. ..haha. felt so much like a rock concert with us being the no. 1 fans and knowing every of the dance moves. haha. i'm loving it x) !
sermon...made me think...
didnt like the chairs at all though. a little small ( o_o am i growin fat?? ahhhhhh! NOOOOO ~!! ) and not elevated =.= so me the shortie didnt get to see the stage at all when sitting...thank god for the large screens.

o yah. got kinda irritated with my sis. wads with her and her bad vibes?? not as if i have done anything to offend her. oh rite. i forgot. as long as she doesnt get enough sleep or is in a bad mood about everything i do offends her. argh.

aft church n lunch, went to imm to get an iron. FINALLY. its been spoilt sice wed, and whoa. u'll be surprised wad damage the absence of an iron can cause. whenever you wanna wear a shirt it'll be all crumpled. whew. thank goodness the iron's back in service.

hmmmo...realise i'm being called by more than one name . called yanyan (by fam...means en en in canto.), called mi lady/princess (by zach n sq, my hmwk boy n knight respectively), artist (by mummy), sinny (by reina).......................

these will be really cute memories in the future ^_^ haha.
ohhh. got good ideas for the fotos...( considered 'good' to me, since i've been havin blocks when thinkin of wat fotos to take for design fund.). mite just post them up when i'm done.

...the camera demands my attention.

i realise the butterflies are coming back! is this for real??
Friday, July 01, 2005 6:35 PM

i was soooooo haaapppy yesterday. hmmmo. firstly, its cos yesterday's drawing lesson wasn't as bad as i tot it would be :) ! hoooray for perspective~!! haha. aft the lesson, i can now officially announce that i'm a blockhead. lol. okok...the joke is that jimmy kang taught us to view everything in boxes so that it's much easier to draw things in it one point or two point or..*gasp*..three point...( xD yay~ i got promoted to 3 point....whew~! haha. aft 2 hrs of drawing, that is.) wad we actually did during lesson yesterday was copy, from the paper he gave us, the different objects in perspective ...hmmo. i haf to say one point perspective appeared harder cos it was wad we started off i suppose we weren't used to it. 2 point was rather..o_o ok. very confusing...but praise god for colour pencils~! and...hey ^_^ jimmy kang's a rather nice teacher aft all....he's jokin a lot more now that we're more familiar with him, and the atmosphere in the drawing room wasn't as tense as the first lesson (the first time, it was soo tense that everyone was sitting up STRAIGHt on our high stools and reallly realllly giving 100 % attention >_<>

oh yeah. and i met clarence at food junction. lol. he's half blind, man. didnt see me at all, although i was standing rite in front of him. doh!..(**flyers =# )... ^_^ good to see an old fren!! i'm missing them alredi...although i jus saw them on fri. but still...esp miss my sweetheart mei yin. wonder if she's studying hard =_=....lazy bum. (=x no wonder we click so well) i smsed her the other day to remind her to study hard and she replied ' :'( why do u always remind me to study hard? ' DOINK. lol.

today...i'm feeling..ok.........................i wouldnt say entirely happy. kinda guilty, actually. i keep letting Him down. making the same shameful mistake again and again AND again. oh Lord! help me! forgive me and stay by my side...walk with me, that i may know where to go.....:( i'm really really sorry....forgive me.

...had colour theory today. ( xD oh my darling apple comps~!!! how i love you so! ) but. hai. didnt get to use the comp. just presented our individual assignments to the class...explained why we used this colour n blah blah. so on so forth...bOrIng...aft class went to get my much needed Nescafe: dark with milk ( the greeeeen can...*xp shi qi, if u're reading this, i bet u're jealous. the coffee's damn good xp haha! ) and although i wasnt very thirsty, i just couldnt resist the allure of my dear Sunkist orange lemonade. if onli they'd make it more sour. doh.

hmmo. rather uneventful day... we (the duckies ~! xD lol ) completed the angelina jolie powerpoint presentation ~!!! hooray for the duckies' efficiency :) ! but...hehheh. oops. woke up late today yups. was late for the duckies meeting. felt soo guilty >_<>

oh ya!! had a surprise meetin today at yck mrt station.met evelyn. (this girl i met when i worked at the taka. toy department. OMG. i hated workin there. SO HATED IT.) anyway, found out she lived at tuas (o_o scarrry. how does she ever make it to sch on time??) and we talked all the way till i alighted. haha. kinda amused we found so much to talk about, considering this is only the second day i'm talking to her o_o. only aft talking to her did i realise how lucky we nyp designers are~!! she said the comps they are given to use sUck...(then i gleefully tot about my white-as-snow apple comps xp), and when she talked about her lousy plastic chairs in the lecture theatre, i tot of my large red cushion seats in MY lecture the DIFFERENCE xP....haha.not to mention our design block's walls are a beauuutiful orange compared to their boring white =x... yay! hooray for favourtism towards designers

...and you know wad? i'm beginning to dislike miss gail. she confuses me! she's upset a lot of ppl are stubborn and don wanna take her advice to improve their fotos. but when i asked to meet her so she could comment on my brand new foto she has nv seen, she went, ' don come and see me! decide urself.' , when previously she was commenting that if we don wanna see her to seek her advice on wad looks nice, its our own loss, cos she'll be the one judging the fotos...... wad the.
(is she washing me with baby lotion?)

right now i'm reallllly hoping for a good mark for my creative process module (ohhhhh! x.......that time CONSUMing box...) and also for my drawing and colour theory module. i don really like the media module and comm skills bores me to death........................

gonna go shopping tml with mummy. xD hoooooorayy! i hear the clothes and bags beckoning me.
i'm coming, my love~! i'm coming!