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terrible terrible terrible understanding.
Thursday, September 15, 2005 5:19 PM

its really getting into me. stupid studio proj.

went to the damned zoo to do research on our given animals, ( it was compulsory =_= ). and guess wad. the damned wallaby enclosure was down for renovation, so i have absolutely no chance of studying a real life wallaby. why didnt the stupid sch check first before making us go in????!! so there went my $12, and i'm lacking behind everyone else, cos they've all got their 3d animals there for them to draw. all i've got are flat 2d images from books. shit u. toot teachers. didn't let me change my animal either.

its unfaaaaaiiiiiiirrrrrr. GRRRRR. Clara is angry. it's not even my mistake.

and i haf no idea wads rong with my brain. i feel so sleepy nowadays. even aft all tat chocolate i'm not hyper enuff. :( God, help me!!!
maybe happy weekends aren't tat good aft all. it makes the week aft tat terribly sad and irritating.

i'm thinking i shld just go confront 1st sis too. "just frens and nthin else. NEVER EVER anything else." xP bleah. i think it's just my terrible week, but he's getting more n more irritating. stare anymore and u can't blame me for wad will happen. argh.

just for you, mr bb : terrible terrible terrible.

absolutely not anymore. cos there's no understanding, only observation.