loves jesus coffee & tea.
amanda |
amelie |
cheryl |
daryl |
hui fen |
hui xuan |
kai liang |
kenneth |
lee yeung
liesl |
li xiong |
mei yin |
shirley |
shi qi
shu guo |
qiu yi
the animation podcast
11 second club
the clone wars !
forever 21
typography bonds.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005 6:58 PM
lalala~! :) i made a new friend today. his name is desmond! :) on the train home today, a bunch of dmd 0501 guys got into the same carriage as me. i didnt noe them, although their class and mine are forever having lab lessons together, so i didn't go over. as usual, i konked out once i got a seat and this time a lady in her late twenties was my sturdy pillar of support. haha. (i pity those who sit beside me) but! God blessed me with nice ppl to surround me, and she wasn't pissed or anything. in fact, she looked like a mum, so i don't think she minds ppl leaning on her. so yup. back to the topic :) at je, i got off to change train and this time only one guy was left of the 0501 ppl. the train to boon lay came, we got in, made eye contact, and i smiled! (i'm so friendly. hur hur :p) he: "u stay at parc oasis is it?" me: "nope. ivory heights." he: " :s." me: "that........white building." he: ":s" both: LOL. me: "i hate typo." he: "YEA!!! copy copy copy the fonts =_= . He (eric) made me redo both alphabets la!!!" me: " :( yea!!! i had to redo too!!!! :( what's ur final grade?" he: "xD ....A." me : "=_= i got a C (thinks:POOGIEWOOGIE.)" he: "C also not bad wad! :)" me: ":) what's ur name?" *murmur murmur* me: " WHAT?! x-men??! o_o" he: "=_= desmond la. wad x-men. lol. what's urs?" me: "Asshole." :p no la. jokin only. i said clara. haha. so yup. onli had a short time to talk to him and that's about it. a new friend! :) and......A HUMUNGOUS THANK UUUUU to dear daniel who paid for the taxi fare to sch today :p haha. i overheard him sayin he was gonna take taxi to sch today cos it was an early day, so i asked if i cld tag along. hoho. he came to pick me up at a bus stop nearby and we zoom zoom zoomed to sch in luxurious comfort. :p daniel wan sui!!! he didnt even want to accept my treat of muffin as an apology for my inability to 'hunt' taxis. :) u're the man. lol.
monday greys.
Monday, November 28, 2005 8:02 PM
eeee. my blog's wallpaper's so nice i just need to post new entries although i don't really have much to say. haha. well, today wasn't exactly blue :s it was more of grey, as in boring. ha. digital imaging was a TORTURE from boredom and thank God for Van Houtan chocolates :) oo! storyboarding was not bad, haha. we played pictionary! it was supposed to help us learn to communicate with pictures and well, i guess it did, somewhat. (more like toned our stomach muscles to me =x) on my way home, i managed to find a seat in the mrt, and promptly fell asleep once i got myself comfortably seated down. then off i drifted into wonderland and aft quite some time, i began to wonder when the mrt train seats were soft, warm and cottony. then OMG. the thought hit me and i half-jumped awake. thank God the guy beside me was decent and he didnt take advantage or anything. not that he cld, with my humungous bag infront of me. but ya :) he really was decent. he was half-bent forward in what i think wld have been an uncomfortable position for such a long ride, presumably because i was intruding his space and he wanted to give me whatever space i wanted but at the same time tryin to support me so i wont fall flat over horizontally (x_x and oh so unglamourously) :( i sleep like a log :( i cautiously glanced at him, expecting a glare, but he was just staring off into space. so to make up for my intrusion i tried to sit nearer to the irritating little boy on my left, who kept kicking me cos he was trying to stare out of the window while slouching against his mum and pushing me away with his legs. garr. in the end i gave up trying to drop hints to the boy and his mum and just took the kicks as a form of massage. anyway, thank you, :) whoever you are, sittin on my right just now. i really like my blogskin, man! haha :D
i feel like posting another entry!
Sunday, November 27, 2005 6:58 PM
alright, i'm here just cos i'm procastinating and i don't wanna do my storyboarding sketches hwmk although it's due tml :p:( *pouts* and....turns out meiyin is goin off to china to learn chinese (HAHAHA) and she's goin off on tues. so suntec gang + kailiang thinks monday is the best day to go watch potter and i decided to opt out :( alphabets due on tues. ba.was talkin to mei yin just now and she reminded me that hui zhen isn't back from new zealand yet!!! like yikes. what a loooooong holiday she's taking. :( i wish i were her parent's goddaughter or sumthin. lol. i wanna go for a looooong holiday too!what God said to me when I was angry and upset:
"In your anger do not sin; when you are on your beds, search your hearts and be silent. Offer right sacrifices and trust in the Lord.
Many are asking, "Who can show us any good?" Let the light of your face shine upon us, O Lord.
You have filled my heart with greather joy than when their grain and new wine abound.
I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety."
Psalm 4:4-8
so :) it's ok if we're not treated the same.
post it.
3:32 PM
alright, alright. the post below has been on and off my blog for so many times...and i've finally decided to keep it there. don't ask me any questions about it or i'll smack u. haha. :) serious.
was talkin to wilson the other day and he said that maple ruins character when excessively played :( i so agree. it's so sad how games have such a firm hold on people's minds nowadays, especially guys. (qiuyi dear, yahoo pool seems dangerous on u too =x)
so well, decided a change of template would be good. my old one's getting boring to me and i thought this guy looked real cool. perspective and all. haha. nyp has really got a way to get the lessons engraved onto your brain.
this wallpaper looks kinda half-angst half-nonchalant and i think that's the best way i'd describe wadeva it is i'm feelin now. the steve guy said he don't think grades are the most important in art, but i think it hell is when u're in sch. mmm...:/ i feel this chrismas is going to be so much more different from all those i've had. christmas is rather sad when i have work to do and a giant guilt conscience when i spend. but God has His reasons. i think He's tryin to teach me to stop being so greedy and be happy with what i have.
one thing's for sure. money problems feel better than relationship problems. :)
terrible day.
Friday, November 25, 2005 9:19 PM
i quarreled with my brother at 11 and i've been angry since. i put up an entry telling of all the bad things he did to me and then deleted a second later. i'd love to hate him but i just read 1 Corinthians 13 last night and it was about love. so i'm caught inbetween loving him and hating him and knowing he doesn't love me like i love him. then more family stuff pops up and my heart is in a whirl. even Howl failed to set my heart rite. i need to go to church. no. i need some guidance from above!!! ok. not some. TONS OF IT. heeeelllppppp meeeeee. all these stuff is heavy. i can feel my brain and heart sag. :s gross.
observing half-naked men.
Thursday, November 24, 2005 8:28 PM
today, my portfolio seemed exceptionally heavy. but of cos, strong me managed to lug it to the mrt station, then walk round amk central, then lug it to sch, and finally, (sore arms sore) back home. i practically had to heave it up onto the lift handles. garr. next week i'm so not gonna bring my stack of catridge paper.garr x 10!!! listen up, you INCONSIDERATE ppl who stand in front of the mrt doors like a stone even before anyone has come out of the train, GET OUT OF MY WAY. i so totally can't stand them, esp when i'm carrying my folio. it's like so mega i have to wait till everyone's in then i can get out. i didnt care today cos i felt like being as inconsiderate as them, so i walked out into those ppl and pulled my folio (forcefully? :p) along. their legs probably got banged silly by my folio but hey. i'm supposed to get out's drawing lesson was an interesting and eye-opening experience (for lack of a more appropriate description). we had a real life half-naked model to pose for us. he stood on the raised platform in the centre of the drawing studio and i would have turned into an ice cube if i were him. it was freezing la, and all he had on was a pair of grey cotton (short) shorts. i pity him :( and gosh. he stays soooo perfectly still for like, more than 10 mins!!! aft 1 min i'd start fidgeting already, and that's with my clothes on and only 4 ppl staring. maybe he draws the courage from the confidence he has abt his nice body :p he has abs. hoho. :p. abs.he's a little scrawny (compared to my image of hunks) but muscle-filled he is. not exactly nice-lookin. a little too old. alright. i'm not a pervert. i only thought of all this while sittin here in front of the comp. i wasn't drooling when i was drawing. haha. xpbut it's really different drawing without clothes. it's easier to see the form of the bodies and concentrate on that rather than think about drawing the creases on the clothes. ^_^ drawin today was good! my figures started out scrawny, then edwin told me i don't have to follow the model's proportion as long as the drawing looks natural. and after that, my drawings really did look natural. haha.fiona seemed a little off earlier part of the day and i hope she's not upset about something and then keepin it from us. i think it's time i got serious about work too. i think of so much stuff but do so llittle of it. one thing's for sure. i'm gonna go crazy christmas shopping beginning of december. drop me those hints before i buy your presents! hoho. santa is in town, baby :D !o yea. and yesterday, kailiang totally made my day! haha. he sent me the song i was lookin for for soooo long. 'Hitotsubu no Namida' by Kiroro. :D thank u!
having PDS
Tuesday, November 22, 2005 6:32 PM
fu*king d-MINUSes. go eat shit, clara.her: (writes down D- beside my name) "Well, ok. We're going to have a re-assessment next week. If you redo, you might get a better grade. Do u think you can improve?"me: (wth-you-got-to-be-freakin-jokin-cos-99.999%-of-me-detests-Ms-and-gs-now expression) "I don't know."her: "You don't know?"me: (smiles) "Yea."i so fdon't wanna redo but almost everyone else is gonna. i hate peer pressure.yesterday, God gave me money. I went to sch with $24 and came back with more than $24 although i spent on lunch and snacks and nobody returned me any money. I think He gave me extra money cos he knows i'm gonna get a D- and i need to buy more materials if i'm gonna redo. or maybe he decided i shld feel happy ytd since i'm gonna be sad today. there's a reason for everything, they or self-satisfaction?
the rainbow connection :)
Monday, November 21, 2005 9:15 PM
it was a wonderful day ytd! seemed like some invisible barrier was broken and i began to talk to some ppl i haven't talked to for quite a while. (rainbow connection? haha :) i guess school's not entirely bad :) alrite. sch is totally terrible, save for the ppl. haha. revised thought.i had a happy morning too! :P this cute guy who lives somewhere below me came into the lift lookin half blur and half attitude. what a cute mix; and sadly, i've nv met him before. i think i still prefer my 18th floor guy. so everything*! i shld haf helped carry his many bags the other time whether he felt i cld or not =x well, tat cool/cute wadeva guy made my morning, but by 3pm i was feeling cranky, hanging onto 3+hrs of sleep.and i realise fiona only bullies me and not aman! lol. maybe aman is more intimidating with her height. (i'm not scary enuff?) storyboarding today was sooo soooo 'hiong'. abt 3 hrs of drawin. craziness. the sketches from the last hr of class was totally.....cha chat. haha. this is wad makin 3d alphabets in the nite does to u.when sch was FINALLY over today, i met jerryboy just when i got through the barriers. i initially wanted a quiet ride home cos i was too tired to make conversation, but i forgot how amiable he is :) no doubt nurse-quality. hoho. and i found out archery club is highly unstable, with no regular meetings and no equipment yet. (=x thank god i quit) poor ferdy got his bow alredi i think, what a waste of good money. imagine the number of art cards and animation paper he cld buy with tat! tsk. waste.Stuck in my head:Kermit: Why are there so many songs about rainbowsAnd what's on the other side?Rainbows are visions, but only illusions,And rainbows have nothing to hide.So we've been told and some choose to believe itI know they're wrong, wait and see.Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection,The lovers, the dreamers and me. Who said that every wish would be heard and answered When wished on the morning star? Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it, And look what it's done so far.
What's so amazing that keeps us stargazing And what do we think we might see?
Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection, The lovers, the dreamers, and me.
All of us under its spell, We know that it's probably magic...
... Have you been half asleep? And have you heard voices? I've heard them calling my name.... Is this the sweet sound that calls the young sailors?
The voice might be one and the same I've heard it too many times to ignore it It's something that I'm s'posed to be...
Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection, The lovers, the dreamers, and me.
it's a supernatural delight.
Thursday, November 17, 2005 6:20 PM
i plonked down my portfolio, changed into home clothes then proceeded to stare at the roasted pork on the dinner table. i feel just like it. my whole back is burnt and red and tat bao ling fu lotion from china isn't workin very well. even wearing a bra hurts =x
tat's wad happens to you when u swim during noon. terrible la. even lying on my back to sleep hurts :( burns be gone! and garr. i'm cravin for harry potter rite now. i can't wait to catch the movie and watch some good quidditch and awesome dragons. if i were in the harry world my burns will really be gone by now. and i can firebolt my way to sch and save time! it mite be a little late, but the traveling time is really gettin on my nerves when i have early lessons.
today we had drawing lessons! it was great xD much better than the cubes last week. we learnt gesture-drawin today. really quick sketchy stuff tat captures the rhythm of the human figure. xD i think i drew cheryl well! hoho. so happy today.
and it seems macdonald's shaker fries are back! too bad there is onli one flavour. seaweed. lol. sounds like an odd combination with fries, but seriously, there is hardly any seaweed taste in it. all u taste is the aginomoto. yummy :p and i'm startin to really love mr edwin. he's so nice to gif us breaks and the way he corrects our mistakes are so nice and caring compared to jimmy. i wldn't say edwin is a better teacher...just more gentle. haha. and gawd. i think he's loaded. he wears designer wear, like the abercombie & fitch tshirt i saw him wearin today. one shirt costs like $30. maybe i shld start aiming to be an illustrator for chinese textbooks. prada here i come.
stuck in my head: Dancing In The Moonlight by Toploader
Wednesday, November 16, 2005 5:13 PM
so wad am i to do? i can't figure out how to do the modelling of my trebuchet g and my garamond M. i feel stupid.
and it turns out i won't be able to watch harry potter till december cos kaili's not free from 19-24 nov and she don wanna watch on weekends. not tat i have the money to watch in nov, though. i already bought some christmas pressies for ppl ( xD ! ) and i realli can't wait for christmas to come. firstly, its cos tat'll mean i get a break from all the assgs. its onli the second week and i feel tired alredi. tok abt gettin my masters =.=
they tell us year 2 is the killer and i can't imagine next year if what i'm goin through now is only year 1. damn. i love whining. i think drawin this sem is all abt figure drawin too, and i'm the ultimate terrible at it. where's miss gail?! i miss her module and her, both. where's my creative process class? slacker thing tat i can't live without.
my scales are flaking from the overload of chlorine (the pool water tastes bitter today :s ) and my heels are cracked. i'm old and i'm dying and God seems to think it still isn't the right time to start helping me do my hmwk.
A smile and a wave I taste the crest Bitter on my tongue It reaches to my heart
The heart is eager But the mind is weary The fingers are clumsy But the arm is brutal
I curl And I sleep Where else can I escape?
books are heavy.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005 7:06 PM
turning back.
Monday, November 07, 2005 7:55 PM
me and aud were contemplating whether it was normal or not to feel disgusted when certain people cross a certain line...and we don't know. haha. i think i shld just stick to what i was made to do. serve God and everything will straighten out from there. terrible day today la. spent the intro to 3d lesson makin cubes out of vanguard and learning abt x,y,z coordinates, and aft a 3-hr wait, got to my last lesson of the day taught by miss-i-duno-wendy. she's still as blur la =_=. teaching us from the book, like we can't read, and she's even unsure of some of the exercises herself. and imagine teachin us how to save and open files with photoshop. like :S. how did she think we managed to hand in our col theory assgs if we didnt noe how to do tat? and she looks like she has nv defringed an image before, when its her job to teach us. so there went 3 hrs - my ass rotted and i learnt nthin except how to tell when she's unsure of what to do, which is 3 quarts of the time.yes, i am mean but my parents paid damn much for a teacher like her.i havent blogged in quite a while...and i dont feel the urge to. so many things i can't say here. i feel like i have so much to say, but i'm not exactly sure what it is i want to talk about.i've been repeating something i shldn't and i think its time i turned back. rachel gave me 2 books on sat ( :) so nice!). one is called 'under cover', and its a book the dg is gonna go through with us, about god's protection and comfort, and the other book, 'Your Personal Encourager' by Selwyn Hughes, has references to a lot of different circumstances we mite go through, like betrayed by a friend, death of a loved one and so on. its really good! it gives a good explanation of what we shld do and bible references. i strongly recommend the latter! the former seems a lil weeny bit boring =x
i am sleepy.
Wednesday, November 02, 2005 9:37 PM
...but its so early! so weird to sleep now.
xD i got lotsa pressies!!! hohoho. lemme mention some really drool-worthy ones. haha. there's the art of HOWL'S MOVING CASTLE!!! *droooool** hoho. and i got really cute sweets with the words 'happy birthday' on everyone of them! :p i got a fat red pouty lips magnet (i bet qy meant it as a connoctation: she wants to express her love for me but is too shy to put it in words :p hahaha), new straw slippers (!)(my old ones broke when i was runnin to catch the bus to buy bbq food T_T), and a backgammon art book! hehe :p ba. too much stuff. i shld take photos and show off for a while. haha. (my head is swelling)
THANK YOU all, for the pretty presents :) thank u thank u thank u i had one of my best birthdays ytd. thank god for my darlings x)))
today, i woke up terribly early just to make sure i wont be late for sch. terrible la, seriously. slept at 2+ and woke up at 6.30 T_T torture. had a briefing abt the new semester and developments in the course. omg. EXCITING(!) and....kinda scary at the same time. the modules are more in-depth now but the "enhanced" modules means from the past 900+ hrs of class time, it has increased to 1400+ hrs of class time T_T
but oo oo ooooo!!! this is the most exciting piece of info: we'll have a through-train to a university in the USA and within 2 yrs i'll be able to get my bachelor's or masters!!!!!! *daydreaming bout workin in the top studios and gaining regconition for my art* of cos....there are always pre-requisites. all grades are to be at least a B or above. ass. i got a C+ for drawing T_T
i'm kinda pumped up and rested well for my new sem. for my GPA...i must get a perfect score like sq (toot). aud we must encourage each other like crazy!!! and aman, we're goin to the usa to get our masters together x) YOSH~!!!
happy birthday to me!!!
Tuesday, November 01, 2005 11:54 AM
:D haha. i feel so fortunate :D
typography bonds.
lalala~! :) i made a new friend today. his name is desmond! :) on the train home today, a bunch of dmd 0501 guys got into the same carriage as me. i didnt noe them, although their class and mine are forever having lab lessons together, so i didn't go over. as usual, i konked out once i got a seat and this time a lady in her late twenties was my sturdy pillar of support. haha. (i pity those who sit beside me) but! God blessed me with nice ppl to surround me, and she wasn't pissed or anything. in fact, she looked like a mum, so i don't think she minds ppl leaning on her. so yup. back to the topic :) at je, i got off to change train and this time only one guy was left of the 0501 ppl. the train to boon lay came, we got in, made eye contact, and i smiled! (i'm so friendly. hur hur :p) he: "u stay at parc oasis is it?" me: "nope. ivory heights." he: " :s." me: "that........white building." he: ":s" both: LOL. me: "i hate typo." he: "YEA!!! copy copy copy the fonts =_= . He (eric) made me redo both alphabets la!!!" me: " :( yea!!! i had to redo too!!!! :( what's ur final grade?" he: "xD ....A." me : "=_= i got a C (thinks:POOGIEWOOGIE.)" he: "C also not bad wad! :)" me: ":) what's ur name?" *murmur murmur* me: " WHAT?! x-men??! o_o" he: "=_= desmond la. wad x-men. lol. what's urs?" me: "Asshole." :p no la. jokin only. i said clara. haha. so yup. onli had a short time to talk to him and that's about it. a new friend! :) and......A HUMUNGOUS THANK UUUUU to dear daniel who paid for the taxi fare to sch today :p haha. i overheard him sayin he was gonna take taxi to sch today cos it was an early day, so i asked if i cld tag along. hoho. he came to pick me up at a bus stop nearby and we zoom zoom zoomed to sch in luxurious comfort. :p daniel wan sui!!! he didnt even want to accept my treat of muffin as an apology for my inability to 'hunt' taxis. :) u're the man. lol.
monday greys.
eeee. my blog's wallpaper's so nice i just need to post new entries although i don't really have much to say. haha. well, today wasn't exactly blue :s it was more of grey, as in boring. ha. digital imaging was a TORTURE from boredom and thank God for Van Houtan chocolates :) oo! storyboarding was not bad, haha. we played pictionary! it was supposed to help us learn to communicate with pictures and well, i guess it did, somewhat. (more like toned our stomach muscles to me =x) on my way home, i managed to find a seat in the mrt, and promptly fell asleep once i got myself comfortably seated down. then off i drifted into wonderland and aft quite some time, i began to wonder when the mrt train seats were soft, warm and cottony. then OMG. the thought hit me and i half-jumped awake. thank God the guy beside me was decent and he didnt take advantage or anything. not that he cld, with my humungous bag infront of me. but ya :) he really was decent. he was half-bent forward in what i think wld have been an uncomfortable position for such a long ride, presumably because i was intruding his space and he wanted to give me whatever space i wanted but at the same time tryin to support me so i wont fall flat over horizontally (x_x and oh so unglamourously) :( i sleep like a log :( i cautiously glanced at him, expecting a glare, but he was just staring off into space. so to make up for my intrusion i tried to sit nearer to the irritating little boy on my left, who kept kicking me cos he was trying to stare out of the window while slouching against his mum and pushing me away with his legs. garr. in the end i gave up trying to drop hints to the boy and his mum and just took the kicks as a form of massage. anyway, thank you, :) whoever you are, sittin on my right just now. i really like my blogskin, man! haha :D
i feel like posting another entry!
alright, i'm here just cos i'm procastinating and i don't wanna do my storyboarding sketches hwmk although it's due tml :p:( *pouts* and....turns out meiyin is goin off to china to learn chinese (HAHAHA) and she's goin off on tues. so suntec gang + kailiang thinks monday is the best day to go watch potter and i decided to opt out :( alphabets due on tues. ba.was talkin to mei yin just now and she reminded me that hui zhen isn't back from new zealand yet!!! like yikes. what a loooooong holiday she's taking. :( i wish i were her parent's goddaughter or sumthin. lol. i wanna go for a looooong holiday too!what God said to me when I was angry and upset:
"In your anger do not sin; when you are on your beds, search your hearts and be silent. Offer right sacrifices and trust in the Lord.
Many are asking, "Who can show us any good?" Let the light of your face shine upon us, O Lord.
You have filled my heart with greather joy than when their grain and new wine abound.
I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety."
Psalm 4:4-8
so :) it's ok if we're not treated the same.
post it.
alright, alright. the post below has been on and off my blog for so many times...and i've finally decided to keep it there. don't ask me any questions about it or i'll smack u. haha. :) serious.
was talkin to wilson the other day and he said that maple ruins character when excessively played :( i so agree. it's so sad how games have such a firm hold on people's minds nowadays, especially guys. (qiuyi dear, yahoo pool seems dangerous on u too =x)
so well, decided a change of template would be good. my old one's getting boring to me and i thought this guy looked real cool. perspective and all. haha. nyp has really got a way to get the lessons engraved onto your brain.
this wallpaper looks kinda half-angst half-nonchalant and i think that's the best way i'd describe wadeva it is i'm feelin now. the steve guy said he don't think grades are the most important in art, but i think it hell is when u're in sch. mmm...:/ i feel this chrismas is going to be so much more different from all those i've had. christmas is rather sad when i have work to do and a giant guilt conscience when i spend. but God has His reasons. i think He's tryin to teach me to stop being so greedy and be happy with what i have.
one thing's for sure. money problems feel better than relationship problems. :)
terrible day.
i quarreled with my brother at 11 and i've been angry since. i put up an entry telling of all the bad things he did to me and then deleted a second later. i'd love to hate him but i just read 1 Corinthians 13 last night and it was about love. so i'm caught inbetween loving him and hating him and knowing he doesn't love me like i love him. then more family stuff pops up and my heart is in a whirl. even Howl failed to set my heart rite. i need to go to church. no. i need some guidance from above!!! ok. not some. TONS OF IT. heeeelllppppp meeeeee. all these stuff is heavy. i can feel my brain and heart sag. :s gross.
observing half-naked men.
today, my portfolio seemed exceptionally heavy. but of cos, strong me managed to lug it to the mrt station, then walk round amk central, then lug it to sch, and finally, (sore arms sore) back home. i practically had to heave it up onto the lift handles. garr. next week i'm so not gonna bring my stack of catridge paper.garr x 10!!! listen up, you INCONSIDERATE ppl who stand in front of the mrt doors like a stone even before anyone has come out of the train, GET OUT OF MY WAY. i so totally can't stand them, esp when i'm carrying my folio. it's like so mega i have to wait till everyone's in then i can get out. i didnt care today cos i felt like being as inconsiderate as them, so i walked out into those ppl and pulled my folio (forcefully? :p) along. their legs probably got banged silly by my folio but hey. i'm supposed to get out's drawing lesson was an interesting and eye-opening experience (for lack of a more appropriate description). we had a real life half-naked model to pose for us. he stood on the raised platform in the centre of the drawing studio and i would have turned into an ice cube if i were him. it was freezing la, and all he had on was a pair of grey cotton (short) shorts. i pity him :( and gosh. he stays soooo perfectly still for like, more than 10 mins!!! aft 1 min i'd start fidgeting already, and that's with my clothes on and only 4 ppl staring. maybe he draws the courage from the confidence he has abt his nice body :p he has abs. hoho. :p. abs.he's a little scrawny (compared to my image of hunks) but muscle-filled he is. not exactly nice-lookin. a little too old. alright. i'm not a pervert. i only thought of all this while sittin here in front of the comp. i wasn't drooling when i was drawing. haha. xpbut it's really different drawing without clothes. it's easier to see the form of the bodies and concentrate on that rather than think about drawing the creases on the clothes. ^_^ drawin today was good! my figures started out scrawny, then edwin told me i don't have to follow the model's proportion as long as the drawing looks natural. and after that, my drawings really did look natural. haha.fiona seemed a little off earlier part of the day and i hope she's not upset about something and then keepin it from us. i think it's time i got serious about work too. i think of so much stuff but do so llittle of it. one thing's for sure. i'm gonna go crazy christmas shopping beginning of december. drop me those hints before i buy your presents! hoho. santa is in town, baby :D !o yea. and yesterday, kailiang totally made my day! haha. he sent me the song i was lookin for for soooo long. 'Hitotsubu no Namida' by Kiroro. :D thank u!
having PDS
fu*king d-MINUSes. go eat shit, clara.her: (writes down D- beside my name) "Well, ok. We're going to have a re-assessment next week. If you redo, you might get a better grade. Do u think you can improve?"me: (wth-you-got-to-be-freakin-jokin-cos-99.999%-of-me-detests-Ms-and-gs-now expression) "I don't know."her: "You don't know?"me: (smiles) "Yea."i so fdon't wanna redo but almost everyone else is gonna. i hate peer pressure.yesterday, God gave me money. I went to sch with $24 and came back with more than $24 although i spent on lunch and snacks and nobody returned me any money. I think He gave me extra money cos he knows i'm gonna get a D- and i need to buy more materials if i'm gonna redo. or maybe he decided i shld feel happy ytd since i'm gonna be sad today. there's a reason for everything, they or self-satisfaction?
the rainbow connection :)
it was a wonderful day ytd! seemed like some invisible barrier was broken and i began to talk to some ppl i haven't talked to for quite a while. (rainbow connection? haha :) i guess school's not entirely bad :) alrite. sch is totally terrible, save for the ppl. haha. revised thought.i had a happy morning too! :P this cute guy who lives somewhere below me came into the lift lookin half blur and half attitude. what a cute mix; and sadly, i've nv met him before. i think i still prefer my 18th floor guy. so everything*! i shld haf helped carry his many bags the other time whether he felt i cld or not =x well, tat cool/cute wadeva guy made my morning, but by 3pm i was feeling cranky, hanging onto 3+hrs of sleep.and i realise fiona only bullies me and not aman! lol. maybe aman is more intimidating with her height. (i'm not scary enuff?) storyboarding today was sooo soooo 'hiong'. abt 3 hrs of drawin. craziness. the sketches from the last hr of class was totally.....cha chat. haha. this is wad makin 3d alphabets in the nite does to u.when sch was FINALLY over today, i met jerryboy just when i got through the barriers. i initially wanted a quiet ride home cos i was too tired to make conversation, but i forgot how amiable he is :) no doubt nurse-quality. hoho. and i found out archery club is highly unstable, with no regular meetings and no equipment yet. (=x thank god i quit) poor ferdy got his bow alredi i think, what a waste of good money. imagine the number of art cards and animation paper he cld buy with tat! tsk. waste.Stuck in my head:Kermit: Why are there so many songs about rainbowsAnd what's on the other side?Rainbows are visions, but only illusions,And rainbows have nothing to hide.So we've been told and some choose to believe itI know they're wrong, wait and see.Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection,The lovers, the dreamers and me. Who said that every wish would be heard and answered When wished on the morning star? Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it, And look what it's done so far.
What's so amazing that keeps us stargazing And what do we think we might see?
Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection, The lovers, the dreamers, and me.
All of us under its spell, We know that it's probably magic...
... Have you been half asleep? And have you heard voices? I've heard them calling my name.... Is this the sweet sound that calls the young sailors?
The voice might be one and the same I've heard it too many times to ignore it It's something that I'm s'posed to be...
Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection, The lovers, the dreamers, and me.
it's a supernatural delight.
i plonked down my portfolio, changed into home clothes then proceeded to stare at the roasted pork on the dinner table. i feel just like it. my whole back is burnt and red and tat bao ling fu lotion from china isn't workin very well. even wearing a bra hurts =x
tat's wad happens to you when u swim during noon. terrible la. even lying on my back to sleep hurts :( burns be gone! and garr. i'm cravin for harry potter rite now. i can't wait to catch the movie and watch some good quidditch and awesome dragons. if i were in the harry world my burns will really be gone by now. and i can firebolt my way to sch and save time! it mite be a little late, but the traveling time is really gettin on my nerves when i have early lessons.
today we had drawing lessons! it was great xD much better than the cubes last week. we learnt gesture-drawin today. really quick sketchy stuff tat captures the rhythm of the human figure. xD i think i drew cheryl well! hoho. so happy today.
and it seems macdonald's shaker fries are back! too bad there is onli one flavour. seaweed. lol. sounds like an odd combination with fries, but seriously, there is hardly any seaweed taste in it. all u taste is the aginomoto. yummy :p and i'm startin to really love mr edwin. he's so nice to gif us breaks and the way he corrects our mistakes are so nice and caring compared to jimmy. i wldn't say edwin is a better teacher...just more gentle. haha. and gawd. i think he's loaded. he wears designer wear, like the abercombie & fitch tshirt i saw him wearin today. one shirt costs like $30. maybe i shld start aiming to be an illustrator for chinese textbooks. prada here i come.
stuck in my head: Dancing In The Moonlight by Toploader
so wad am i to do? i can't figure out how to do the modelling of my trebuchet g and my garamond M. i feel stupid.
and it turns out i won't be able to watch harry potter till december cos kaili's not free from 19-24 nov and she don wanna watch on weekends. not tat i have the money to watch in nov, though. i already bought some christmas pressies for ppl ( xD ! ) and i realli can't wait for christmas to come. firstly, its cos tat'll mean i get a break from all the assgs. its onli the second week and i feel tired alredi. tok abt gettin my masters =.=
they tell us year 2 is the killer and i can't imagine next year if what i'm goin through now is only year 1. damn. i love whining. i think drawin this sem is all abt figure drawin too, and i'm the ultimate terrible at it. where's miss gail?! i miss her module and her, both. where's my creative process class? slacker thing tat i can't live without.
my scales are flaking from the overload of chlorine (the pool water tastes bitter today :s ) and my heels are cracked. i'm old and i'm dying and God seems to think it still isn't the right time to start helping me do my hmwk.
A smile and a wave I taste the crest Bitter on my tongue It reaches to my heart
The heart is eager But the mind is weary The fingers are clumsy But the arm is brutal
I curl And I sleep Where else can I escape?
turning back.
me and aud were contemplating whether it was normal or not to feel disgusted when certain people cross a certain line...and we don't know. haha. i think i shld just stick to what i was made to do. serve God and everything will straighten out from there. terrible day today la. spent the intro to 3d lesson makin cubes out of vanguard and learning abt x,y,z coordinates, and aft a 3-hr wait, got to my last lesson of the day taught by miss-i-duno-wendy. she's still as blur la =_=. teaching us from the book, like we can't read, and she's even unsure of some of the exercises herself. and imagine teachin us how to save and open files with photoshop. like :S. how did she think we managed to hand in our col theory assgs if we didnt noe how to do tat? and she looks like she has nv defringed an image before, when its her job to teach us. so there went 3 hrs - my ass rotted and i learnt nthin except how to tell when she's unsure of what to do, which is 3 quarts of the time.yes, i am mean but my parents paid damn much for a teacher like her.i havent blogged in quite a while...and i dont feel the urge to. so many things i can't say here. i feel like i have so much to say, but i'm not exactly sure what it is i want to talk about.i've been repeating something i shldn't and i think its time i turned back. rachel gave me 2 books on sat ( :) so nice!). one is called 'under cover', and its a book the dg is gonna go through with us, about god's protection and comfort, and the other book, 'Your Personal Encourager' by Selwyn Hughes, has references to a lot of different circumstances we mite go through, like betrayed by a friend, death of a loved one and so on. its really good! it gives a good explanation of what we shld do and bible references. i strongly recommend the latter! the former seems a lil weeny bit boring =x
i am sleepy.
...but its so early! so weird to sleep now.
xD i got lotsa pressies!!! hohoho. lemme mention some really drool-worthy ones. haha. there's the art of HOWL'S MOVING CASTLE!!! *droooool** hoho. and i got really cute sweets with the words 'happy birthday' on everyone of them! :p i got a fat red pouty lips magnet (i bet qy meant it as a connoctation: she wants to express her love for me but is too shy to put it in words :p hahaha), new straw slippers (!)(my old ones broke when i was runnin to catch the bus to buy bbq food T_T), and a backgammon art book! hehe :p ba. too much stuff. i shld take photos and show off for a while. haha. (my head is swelling)
THANK YOU all, for the pretty presents :) thank u thank u thank u i had one of my best birthdays ytd. thank god for my darlings x)))
today, i woke up terribly early just to make sure i wont be late for sch. terrible la, seriously. slept at 2+ and woke up at 6.30 T_T torture. had a briefing abt the new semester and developments in the course. omg. EXCITING(!) and....kinda scary at the same time. the modules are more in-depth now but the "enhanced" modules means from the past 900+ hrs of class time, it has increased to 1400+ hrs of class time T_T
but oo oo ooooo!!! this is the most exciting piece of info: we'll have a through-train to a university in the USA and within 2 yrs i'll be able to get my bachelor's or masters!!!!!! *daydreaming bout workin in the top studios and gaining regconition for my art* of cos....there are always pre-requisites. all grades are to be at least a B or above. ass. i got a C+ for drawing T_T
i'm kinda pumped up and rested well for my new sem. for my GPA...i must get a perfect score like sq (toot). aud we must encourage each other like crazy!!! and aman, we're goin to the usa to get our masters together x) YOSH~!!!
happy birthday to me!!!
:D haha. i feel so fortunate :D
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