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maya takes my life away
Sunday, May 14, 2006 9:17 PM

maya is a very powerful software.
so powerful it takes years off my life each time i use it .T_T. what can i say. 3d modelling is just so not my forte. i purposely made the image small cos they're ugly. hurhur x((

so so so. i give up. i'm not doing anymore maya today. i'm gonna get my motion graphics homework done...and leave the rest of my sane days for insane maya. T_T what makes some ppl so good at it? i really wonder.

i can't wait for drawing lesson tml. i wonder what new stuff Mr Brian is gonna show us ... and surely feeling the paper & getting your hands all dirty with charcoal is much better than caressing the monitor with a virtual mouse? blue pill or red pill? who decides which world the red pill brings you to?