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dream a little dream of me
Friday, July 14, 2006 9:06 PM

a quick erm, sketch? cos i feel i've been neglecting my wacom.
...although neglect doesn't mean i've done any real assgs...=x

i was really angry with my brother today again cos he's just so ass-edly RUDE, but i didnt show my anger, i wanted to paint a picture of me feeding him to crocs too, but i didn't. i'll hold it in for now. i wonder what i'd do to him when i really do explode. that ass. lol.

yay! i can at least update my deviant with this sketch. at least its complete, albeit kinda lacking of details :S

i talked to qy just now :D like, on the phone! haha. *happy*
and she says going to cg overdrive is like buying stationary -.- wth. it's so much more exciting. and informative. and awesome. and inspiring. graphics are my love *_*!
although i must say i like buying stationary too :S