the ppl who have the same dream as me.
in light of kl's and aud's posts, i'd like to say that i don't understand what they can't understand :S
what's there that i have written that has been flooded with art terms and such? i don't use art terms
(lest you include one mention of 'quickmask', 'concept artist', 'paint', and 'pencil'...) and anyhow, i can't think of any art terms that i know of that don't explain themselves in english.
i'm a commercial artist aft all, i'm no fine artist. i do what you see ard you.
and this IS my everyday life i'm blogging about - my excitement about meeting these famous artists and getting their autographs and posting up some of my paintings. erm. i
really don't see what's so art abt all tat.
Maybe you don't understand the name Art Germ or Scott Caple, you cld replace it with say,
Takeshi Kaneshiro. so yes, i think i sound just like any fan girl just that my hero is not...your hero?
Maybe you don't understand how i'm so awed at the amount of details Scott Caple can draw on a tiny paper, so just replace it with say, how Hyde grew a moustache one day and the world became fascinated and there were newspapers all over abt his cute little moustache.
i'd even say it's like qy's canoeing.
'row for the team'
(paint for the sheer beauty of pretty pictures),
'thank you Mr Goh'
(thank you Scott Caple for sharing your wonderful knowledge and drawings with us),
'i want to row'
(i want to paint).really, what's so art about what i want? it's what i feel.
mourning about not being able to draw this and that, is like you mourning abt test results. of cos i hope you ppl will understand me, but i don't expect all of you to.
:) no offence taken of cos. There's nthin to cheer up abt cos there was nthin to be sad abt in the first place, and there's a reason why i'm not in your schools and have a different bunch of friends who have the
same dream as me :) smile, cos it's my blog! lol.