
loves jesus coffee & tea.

hear hear.


amanda | amelie | amirah
cheryl | daryl | harold
hui fen | hui xuan | joshua
kai liang | kenneth | lee yeung
liesl | li xiong | marcus
mei yin | shirley | shi qi
shu guo | qiu yi
the animation podcast
11 second club
the clone wars !
forever 21

Monday, April 28, 2008 9:25 PM

late nights after a worthy day of mouse clicking.

i was very happily imagining my online buys and were dying to try them on. but i couldn't, so.

yayyy, all my still un-purchased but order-made online buys!!! (: (: (:
recently i've gone shoppin on US sites via qy's friend who organizes all these sprees (whom i call my imaginary friend).
a spree is basically like all orders are made through her so we'll get dirt cheap shipping rates cos its divided by so many people xD !

i've never seen her but i think i love her already (: (: (:
and i really dislike MS.

i'm cute no more.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008 5:50 PM

it's a wednesday already?!

today i tried to draw something cute but what came out was that. old and vintage-y in a collared baggy shirt. how fitting. i'm cute no more. Inside wants out, according to John Mayer!

OH, and i had a very fun dream this morning.
i dreamt i was a MAGE goin to war! and i had a very shiny black staff.
very cool (: (: (:
then i went to find my sportshoes. i tot war mah, must wear comfy.
but i couldn't find them !!! :(

then i remembered that my sport shoes died during my napha test and i threw them away. so i wore my sneakers instead.
before e war started, they gave us custard buns with lots of sugar sprinkled over to eat. and after waking up, i realized how silly i am to wear sneakers to war.
oh well, random.

& i'm sorry for not talkin anymore. but i'm sure you'll love me if you know me (: ha! i'll love you too.

you don't say.
Monday, April 21, 2008 10:20 PM

you don't say.

(about the only half an hr of my day i spent usefully)

gahhh. i'm feelin a little...lost.
on one hand, i don't believe i can't find an animation job.
on the other, i duno *_* am i what others put me up to be?

my mum says i'm picky and some others say i'm better at other stuff.
i'm confused and i'm bummed and i'm home all day and i have no money !!!!

-goes on a crazy rampage- :(
and this is not just the monday blues.

dkny in taiwan.
Friday, April 18, 2008 9:37 PM

nice (: !

i added a mini compilation of my barely there sketches from spare time in church last sunday. and i can't tell you again how much i love the dkny poster below. DOUBLE CLICK for a proper view yea! :D [/edit]

Monday, April 14, 2008 9:51 PM

HAHA, cynicism & innocence!

fantastic stuff. lol !!! own room will definitely help. lol. doughnuts *_* !

another great saturday with sh! (: hat trying at spotlight & definately, maybe.
not bad a show, quite differently told than all the other love stories, and it's neither overly dramatic or weepy (: just the right touch of emotions, i'd say.

i am demure and ladylike...

............I AM NOT!
in fact, i think jesters & harlequin costumes are very cool! i was just telling zal i'd be a catwoman-harlequin-animator if i could go to a costume party. somebody hurry up and organize one so i can whip someone. HURHUR!


ciao, amigos!

MADA goin off for 3 weeks :( !
Tuesday, April 08, 2008 7:00 PM

mada don't leave :(

to appease mada cos she's jealous shi han got a mention for just one date with me, here are pictures from saturday :D !
it was our dear zal's birthday x) !
and as tradition has it, as art students, birthday person gets art book! hahaha. i think i got an artbook for every birthday since i entered poly.
we love you zal (: (: (: thanks for being a great friend and a super project mate!
-puts on our 3dollar safety helmet and salutes!-

for dinner, we had super yum waraku!

then we chilled ard clarke quay, and talking about clarke quay, i had my virgin clubbin experience with mada, eli, harold n kenneth on weds!!!
woohoo............................not high -_-.
i tell you, we need more alcohol. i nv experienced the famed 'high' of clubbing after 4 jugs divided by 5 ppl. not to mention i was damn freaking thirsty like 3/4 of the time. i kept guzzling water from e tap lol. damn bouncers don't lemme bring water in *_*.

anyhoo, it's not bad la xD something different from your usual movie dinner chitchat session. if you wanna loosen up your collar, clubbing is the way to go!!!
and nope, nobody touched my butt or even my hand cos our very manly kenneth helped us ward off evil ppl! :D yay to kenneth!

i want to go again. PARTYYY!!!

kt tunstall
Thursday, April 03, 2008 9:57 PM

kt tunstall.

i want to go for her concert :(
and wow :D girl muscles!
& i like how nicely the video fits in my div tag x) hooray!

Last Call
Tuesday, April 01, 2008 4:58 PM

these days.

these days, I have been waiting.
Not for the world to change but really, so simply.
I ask, for just simple emails. But nope, no one will spare the effort to reply.
Or they simply task me things that, I can't do. Won't do. Adviced not to do.

The extra words on pieces of paper that the school gave me as steps to be a little taller than the rest aren't working because they forgot that I was much shorter than everyone else to begin with.

here's some of the better sketches on the trains from my unpolished training-lacking lazy hand:

and today i started reading another book by Tim Powers.
It's called Last Call.
Not as riveting as his other books, but I still love how he teases you with quotes at every chapter. Like he dares you to guess his twisting plot.

And upside down in air were towers
Tolling reminiscent bells, that kept the hours
And voices singing out of empty cisterns and
exhausted wells.
- T.S. ELIOT, The Waste Land

You who were with me in the ships at Mylae!
That corpse you planted last year in your garden,
Has it begun to sprout? Will it bloom this year?
- T.S. ELIOT, The Waste Land

Hopes die, and their tombs are for token
That the grief as the joy of them ends
Ere time that breaks all men has broken
The faith between friends.

You know, my Friends, how long since in my House
For a new Marriage did I make Carouse:
Divorced old barren Reason from my Bed,
And took the Daughter of the Vine to Spouse.
- The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam,

sketching on the train is not always good for your heart. hahaha.

OHOH, sorry for the long long post :D but i must say a big big mega thank you to SHI HAN for a super saturday!!!

:D great cheap dimsum, great arcade games and great patience to play pool with me. haha! holding onto vibrating guns and vibrating steering wheels and cue sticks for hours...made my muscles sore.
this is what animators call exercising. hell yea. lol.