enchanted by the old classics.
enchanted.[EDIT] at borders bistro:
last last last fri :D (qiu yi how come we nv take pictures ah?!) [/EDIT]
i just bought mulan last saturday. I saw it in gramaphone and i just cldn't resist cos i rmb loving it and watching it so many times that my mum's friend got tired of lending it to us again and again she just decided to give it to us. lol.
AND it is still as awesome. :D
and look at this fantastic painting!!! <3i was just reading animation mentor's industry report today, and according to them,
animators are the happiest, most satisfied workers next to clergies!!! I think i'm on the right path. haha!!! awesomeness :D
i'm so enchanted by animation, over and over. How can you ever get sick of it? It's like learning something new about someone everyday, and getting to know different ppl everyday, gettin to know wall.e, to know mulan, to know mace windu, to know plo koon,
(: I AM HAPPPPPPPPYYYYY.btw, ej lent me this book called
Dream Worlds by Hans Bacher, who won some award for his production design work on Mulan (: (: (: and needless to say his other works in other disney classics are breathtaking too, and the expanse of his knowledge on composition, staging, analyzing, is a whole galaxy to explore. Do check it out, i'm gonna try to find it in Basheer tml :D
i really like how he talks abt his work, how he tried to put it tgt, etc. Its
really really really worth a good read.
Today we had a little session with the director, and sometimes i find it quite sad, and how true, how ppl outside don get how hard we work, how much thought we put into it.
As our supervisor likes to quote his favorite dancer, "it looks the nicest when it looks effortless". And i really have to agree.
Look at Pixar. They make it look so easy, as if the arcs just automatically clicked in but if you ever tried... it is gahhhh.
So i have another goal to add to the list (: - BE EFFORTLESS, PEOPLE!
been a good week, :D as usual.
except for tuesday when we had our monthly movie - Burn After Reading. I know Brad Pitt and George Clooney is in it and thus it sounds quite irresistable, but seriously, it sucks. its the kind of movie that have you going "WHAT?" at the end of it, and its the kind of movie you'll nv watch twice.
ok, nx update when i get some pictures! (: